Wednesday, January 19, 2011

unknown visitors

Do you think there is a life on other places,do you think there the earth has neighbors from outer space?...

Man had already begun to explore space and had already sent manned spaceships to different worlds. "One step for man, a giant leap for mankind", Armstrong had written in the annals of space history. The quest for space exploration, was it in fact an undying thirst to find whether life existed elsewhere? Maybe the human race might learn something from the extraterrestrial life forms that were yet to be found, maybe even teach them a thing or too about the universe and the true meaning of life.
"....czzzh...", the radio coughed as it came to life in the control room at NASA's mission command center in Houston. "This is Endeavour coming in. We have just completed
docking with THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION.", Emory said as he looked out of the port window at that blue green world that he had left a few days earlier. From up here, the earth looked so calm and
serene, there was no indication that Earth was in the middle of a war with ..... What were those long limbed things that had just seemed to appear out of thin air?

The year was 2020, and so far, there had been several manned exploratory journeys to neighboring worlds like the Moon, Mars, and some unmanned trips to other places, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto, places that were yet not known to be capable of supporting human life. Images had been beamed back to Earth so that maybe, just maybe, friendly life could be found. And that was just in the solar system. Sure, a space probe had been sent outside the solar system, but as of yet there was still no signal to indicate anything.And so ...... the search went on, people on earth peering at the skies with telescopes, day and night, exploratory labs set up in remote places so they could get a closer look at the sky, technologies such as infra-red signals and sound used to detect the faintest signals coming from the heavens to say "Yes, we are here." But none had come as of yet.Till recently..
The weather had suddenly gotten increasingly cold, the skies persistently cloudy. Adam pulled his wool jacket even closer as if he were going to hide his head inside. "Brrrr",he shivered as he hastened his pace toward the post office. Once he got inside the building, he rubbed his hands together vigorously to warm them up. The air smelled stale, probably because there were a lot of people inside. "Probably to get out of the cold", he thought. He waited his turn in line, and was actually pleased that it was quite long so that he wouldn't have to go back out into the cold

Then, suddenly he saw a different kind of space vehicle. It was round and floating freely in the sky. Then a brightly colored light exploded in the middle of the night. Suddenly, a strange creature got out of the vehicle... it was a alien with big round head, and a darkly colored skin. It has a tail and four eyes that is color black. Adam was surprised for what he saw. When he saw the strange creature, ran as fast as he could... but suddenly he slipped and made a loud sound. “BLAG” . then the strange creature saw him running. But the strange creature used his telekinetic powers to stop adam from running. The strange creature talked to adam... but he has a different language.. but suddenly, it change his language and said, “we bring peace” and so, adam calmed down and chat with the alien for a while. Adam asked where the aliens are from, what kind of alien is it and what planet does the alien came from... suddenly adam said, wait, what is your name. The alien replied and said my name is zibbibo. Adam asked again and said, why did you came here? The alien replied and said i came here because our planet started a war...   ohhh, okay. Said adam. Is there othyer friendly life in outer space? Zibbibo said, yes, help me in my problem and i will bring you in other planets so you can explore and study it....and so, adam went to the planet of zibbibo and thankfully, the war problem has been solved. Because of the alien Friend of adam, the people of the earth explored to other places and discovery many existing life in the world... but one thing is not solved and puzzled adam. Where did humanity came from?

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